Community center “seed” grows in Utatsu

What happens when the community of Heisei no mori joins forces with 3/11 Initiative students, professionals, and professors?  A seed is born!  The above photo shows the first steps towards a community center in Utatsu.  It is the hope that creating a covered outdoor space before winter snows fall will encourage the informal gatherings and brainstorms that have already taken place in the rebuilding.

More updates on the project will be provided as it progresses.

Exciting “seed” of a new project in Utatsu

// in English //

Utatsu, The Heisei no Mori, “Babadoru 5-chome ladies”

What happened yesterday was a sort of “breakthrough” in the search for a site, the residents’ affirmed “need” for a gathering place OUTSIDE their individual temporary units, and what we were looking for to start off our project

You will see that several people (in this case, 50-ish ladies who are neighbors) sitting around a bench can ignite a revolution.  It is a seed that can blossom into a domino effect, we hope, of more to come and eventually the larger Community Center for diverse age groups to be built. Continue reading