Event / For Those Within From Those Abroad: A Gift for Minami Sanriku

For Those Within From Those Abroad is a public presentation of works created during this Fall’s class Artistic Intervention: Creative Responses to Conflict and Crisis, within MIT’s Arts, Culture + Technology program. Two group projects on view explore the notion of a gift as a way of responding to situations of conflict and crises from afar. The students specifically address the people of Minami Sanriku that were severely affected by the  March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in the Tohoku region of Japan.

The event will take place in E15-001 (The Cube of the old Media Lab) on December 5 between 7 and 9 pm to see the gifts produced and the context behind them.

Artistic Intervention: Creative Responses to Conflict and Crisis is co-taught
this fall by Initiative collaborators Associate Professor and Program Head Ute Meta Bauer with Lecturer Jegan Vincent de Paul. Continue reading

Excerpt from Minami-Sanriku documentary

During this summer’s workshop, Jegen Vincent de Paul and Shun Kanda conducted a series of interviews in Minami-Sanriku with the help of the Japanese filmmaker and translator Takaharu Saito.

Watch an excerpt of interviews from “Minami-Sanriku: An Archaeology of People and Place” below:

Event // Profs. Wescoat + Kanda in Fall ACT lecture series

Mark your calendars!  Professors James Wescoat and Shun Kanda will be speaking on November 14th at MIT about the Japan 3/11 Initiative in the Institute’s Art, Culture, and Technology fall lecture series entitled “Zones of Emergency: Artistic Interventions – Creative Responses to Conflict & Crisis.”  Collaborator Jegen Vincent de Paul will act as respondent.

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