Year Two
2012 Summer: Workshops in Planning, Design and Construction
The workshops in year two will focus on inter-university exchanges on the design and construction of additional phases of the Memorial Community Center with emphasis on enhanced local community participation in its construction. Citizen groups will also be engaged on the issues of Alternative Visions for Resettlement & New Communities.
2012 Autumn: Inter-University Exchange
Year two of the planning of Alternative Visions for Resettlement & New Communities will continue, with involvement by students from a consortium of universities in Tohoku and Tokyo and the people of Minami Sanriku. Primary activities will center on further developing an innovative curriculum in Disaster-Resilient Planning, Design & Reconstruction with case studies, on-going response to the future vision for Minami Sanriku, and particular implementation strategies.
2013 Spring: MIT Architecture Design & Planning Workshop
The year two workshop studio based at MIT will bring together a multi-disciplinary team of MIT faculty and students to focus on strategies and proposals for Alternative Visions for Resettlement & New Communities. Participants will once again travel to Minami Sanriku over spring break to take part in a joint workshop with Miyagi University faculty and students and a preliminary public presentation to the Mayor and local community.