JDW2013 / Teamwork for the finish

Apologies for the delay, but things have been busy with the workshop wrap up and the preparations for the upcoming school year.  The update from Friday August 9th is brought to you by Yuki Hamano of the University of Tokyo:

A garden is being planted near the entrance to the stage. Many colorful flowers were brought from the river and forests nearby. Thanks to these flowers, the place now looks more welcoming. 入り口付近に花壇が作られている。近くの川や林から色取り取りの花々を持って来た。これらのお花のお陰で、この場所はますます華やかになった。

The people from the community came to see the construction and are here sitting on the new bench we made. They were all excitedly talking and telling us their impressions of the project. 地域の人々が建設された舞台を見に来、私達が作ったベンチに座った。彼らは皆賑やかに話しながら、彼らの第一印象を私達に話してくれた。

Some members of the team are making a new staircase and neatly laying the bamboo. It was amazing that they made this only in a day. It was very nicely designed and now it is much easier to get onto the stage. 彼らは丁寧に竹を並べながら、新しく階段を作っている。彼らがこれを一日で作ったのは驚きだ。階段はとても素敵なデザインで、舞台の方に行きやすくなった。

They are pushing the stage up with all their strength in order to place a new bamboo underneath for support. Many of the local people helped us with this difficult task. 力いっぱい舞台を押上げ、舞台を支える新しい竹を下に入れている。多くの地元の人々がこの作業を助けてくれた。

They are making the handrail stronger by using rope and bamboo. Also, their efforts helped to make the arch of the handrail more beautiful. 彼らは紐や竹を使って、手すりを強化している。また、それにより手すりの描くアーチもより美しいものとなった。

A bit about today’s contributor:
Yuki is a sophomore in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tokyo.  She is eager to view reconstruction through the lens of international exchange, while taking into consideration the voices of the local people.  She hopes to do her best and be able to be of some help to the Tohoku region.


Read more about this year’s program participants here.

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