JDW2013 / The Logistics of bamboo

A day of difficult labor and structural trouble shooting, but the rewards are clear!  The update from Thursday the 8th, by University of Tokyo student  Natsumi Nikata:

Today in spite of the strong sun, we worked hard as usual. This is the signboard, which is halfway done. The bamboo pieces makes bright sounds when they knock together. こんにちは。8月8日担当の荷方なつみです。強い日差しにも関わらず、今日も元気に作業を進めました。これは作成途中の看板です。ひとつひとつの竹がぶつかって楽しい音楽を奏でます。

Some teammates are making the handrail for platform safety. It is difficult to adjust the curve of bamboo and so this takes a long time. 手すりを作っているところです。竹のしなり具合を調節するのが大変でした。

This is Kanda-sensei, and he is in charge of this project. He is a humorous and happy gentleman, who takes both structure and design into consideration. プロジェクトの責任者、神田駿先生です。構造・デザイン両方に対して細やかな気配りをなさる、ユーモラスで陽気な方です。

Ken-san, a TA for this project, is making a table or a bench. I wonder how his work will come together with our end product. TAの建さんです。テーブル又はベンチになるべきものをデザインしているところで、真剣な眼差しがかっこいいです。はたしてどのような形で作品に反映されるのでしょうか。

As one of columns supporting the platform broke, we had to replace it with a new one. The strength of the building, which is made mainly of bamboo and ropes, is a serious issue. 全体を支えていた柱が壊れてしまい新しい柱と交換しました。竹と紐で作る建造物は強度を上げるのが難しく、これからの課題といえるでしょう。

A bit about today’s contributor:
Natsumi is a freshman liberal arts student at the University of Tokyo. She is from Kumamoto, Kyusyu, which is far from the earthquake-stricken area, but as part of this program, she wants to see firsthand what has happened in the Tohoku area. She loves music and plays percussion instruments and the keyboard.


Read more about this year’s program participants here.

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